The Black Dragon's Pit
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Welcome to the PIT!
      The Black Dragons are a organization which was founded and instructed by Master Troy Burchett.  Teaching his own style of Shin Su Do/Kenpo Karate along with other techniques he has learned over his many years in training and basically living maritial arts.  Our school has grown significantly over the past few years.  Regretfully we lost the school  located at  The  East Kentucky Martial Arts.  Classes were free  Each Tuesday and Thursday of every week,  CLASSES ARE COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE.  But donations to keep the school going is greatly appreciated. But that has not stopped the dragons.  Master Burchett has compiled a action pack, no holds barred street fighting movie that covers everything a person would need to get out of any situation.  This is a mail order class also.  You can contact Mr. Burchett and have the movie and equipment sent to you and after you study it intensely you can submit a tape for Mr. Burchett to examine and you could earn your black belt in his system.  Tapes are also available thru John Cozatt, another martial artist.  I will put his email and website up on this site. 



Black Dragon Competition Team
Winners of over 60 throphies in the Kicks tournament 2001

The Black Dragons
c/o Troy Burchett
Arnold Avenue
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 

(606) 434-6471
(606) 478-3405
Or e-mail: Master Troy Burchett at